Friday, January 04, 2008

Beginning of 2008 Boot Camp

So, things got off to a great start on Wednesday. I hit the gym hardcore...thanks to Ray Ray the Killer. He said his New Year's quote is "Buckle Up!"...which means basically that I have a shitload of work to do this month. And I really need to "suck it up". We switched from doing MPT workouts to hurts, whatever the hell it is. It's 4 sets of 10 of everything I do. We did legs on Wednesday, and I thought I was going to die. That works out to...hmmm...80 lunges. Which really, really sucks. And I was in so much pain last night, that I was actually going into shock...I got all shivery and stuff. started off great...and then thanks to Maria, I ate a dozen tamales that her mom made for me. They were delicious...but bad, bad, bad. And then yesterday...thank you, Andrea...Pappasito's. Delicious again...but bad, bad, bad! But, I'm not going to beat myself up over it.

I'm on my way to the gym now to do my upper body workout and 30 minutes of cardio.

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