Friday, July 22, 2005

Scary Larry

I hate working out alone. I had a trainer for two years, and now I'm on my own. I hate working out alone.

My boyfriend expressed an interest in getting a gym membership and going to work out with me. I went into the gym last week, and met with one of the sales guys to find out all the information. His name is Larry. He acted as if it was Christmas when I told him that my boyfriend wanted to info. It turns out that it will be too expensive for my boyfriend to do it right now, but that's not gonna stop Scary Larry! He's a short, little, pumped up, bald, older, black man that has probably taken one too many caffeine pills or whatever gym supplements he can get his hands on, and he's been calling my boyfriend and me ten times a day. Yesterday I went to my boyfriend's house and he was joking with me about me being in trouble because I had skipped the gym that day, I forgot to bring him water, some other reasons that I don't remember, and now "I got him in trouble with Scary Larry" for not going to the gym and talking to him.

I want to be a personal trainer, and I do get very excited about health, but MY GOD, SCARY LARRY! Knock it off with the supplements! You're going to give yourself, my boyfriend, and me a heart attack!!!

I'm hoping when my sister moves here in a couple of weeks, she's really serious about going to the gym with me, and then I won't have to work out alone!

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