Sunday, May 31, 2009

We'll see what happens...

So, I've been dating someone new, and he really wants to get into shape, too. I really love the way that he believes in me and in my "expertise". I also love the way he always says, "We can do this. Together." I've been alone for most of my life. In a lot of ways. It's never been "we" when it counts.

So, last week, we walked 30 minutes, 3 days out of of 5. About 2 miles per walk. And, that's about as far as we got. Then, we both got sick.

I really need to work on the food thing, but for now I'm concentrating on getting my body back to the way it was 4 years ago. Much smaller and a lot more muscle. I hate it so much right now.

So, now we're both feeling better, and we'll start walking again next week. Then hopefully we can get into some kind of "jumstart" and start hitting the gym. He has a membership at the same gym I do, so that will be nice.

Everyday it's just about getting up and starting over until it becomes habit.

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