Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Not only did I eat like crap again, but I took an unplanned nap when I got home from work (when I was supposed to be changing into my gym clothes), and therefore, I skipped the gym, too! I suck!

Monday, December 17, 2007

I really tried...

I ate like crap today. I didn't eat a whole lote of anythng. I just ate crappy food. And I was really, really going to try this week. I did make it to the gym though. So, screw the food for now. My goal this week is to make it in to the gym 6 days.

Today was my arm day:

Side ABs w/ a 10lb weight - 3X15 each side
AB twists w/ SB - 3X15 each side
Bicep Curls - 3X12 using a 30lb barbell
Skull Crushers - 3X12 using a 20lb barbell
Bicep Curls - 3X12 using a cable
Tricep Pulldowns - 3X12 using rope cable
Hammer Curls - 3X12 using 15lb dumbells
Dips - 3X12
And then I even added in 15 minutes of cardio on the treadmill. GO ME!...at least for today!

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