Saturday, August 25, 2007

Chillin' Like a Villain

I've been taking some new medications for the last few months. Wonderful, wonderful drugs! Sometimes I stop and am like, "Who was that person before?" So, anyway...I knew there was something wrong with the medication though. I wasn't losing any weight, and I've been working out, and eating right, but nothing was happening, except that I have been getting stronger and more in shape, but I wasn't having "fat loss".

I saw a new doctor early this week, who before I could even tell her any of my concerns...she said, "We HAVE to get you off this one medication!" It's the one I've been taking at night to sleep. She said that there are so many other things that are ten times better to take to sleep, and the medication I was on was making me gain weight, and not be able to lose it. Her exact words were, "You'll see! We get you off of this stuff, and the weight is just going to fall off! Especially if you've been working out! You have such a gorgeous face, you won't be alone for much longer!" Ok, so I do hate when people tell me I have a pretty face, but need to lose weight...but I was so happy with what she said, I wasn't mad at her.

That was Monday. I went in to work out with Ray Ray the Killer today, and got on the scale. I've lost 5lbs this week. It's a little more than you're suppose to lose a week, but in the beginning you always lose a little more at one time. I can't tell you how super excited I am! Now I can finally see the results of my hard work over the last few months. And even more, my new sleep medication is so good! I don't wake up feeling foggy anymore, and my vivid nightmares are a lot less.

With that said...I'm on my way to Pappadeux's with Mary Ann to eat a giant chopped salad with crawfish! Yum!

Friday, August 24, 2007

OJ makes me puke.

Every morning now as part of my new meal plan I eat 1 packet of oatmeal, 1 bottle of OJ, 1 bottle of water, and 1 cup of coffee. I have found that if the first thing I put into my mouth is a swig of the OJ...I want to immediately hurl! I have to make sure I take a bite of oatmeal first.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's been awhile

If you've read this blog at all, you'll know that I always say, "This is it! I'm getting it together! I'm working out, eating right, etc."

So, I won't be hurt if you don't believe me this time around. But I have been eating right since Monday morning, and working my little heart out. Some things have changed in my life. Big things. Good things and bad things. You'll have to read my other blog to find out. But, now is a good time to get back on the ball. I have gained the 70 pounds that I lost, and I can't blame anything directly on anyone else, but indirectly I had some outside influences that weren't so great for me that are no longer in the picture.

I'm in pain...I'm hungry...but who cares! I want to be healthy! I want to fit into my size 12's again! That's not a lot to ask is it? Well, I'm having to ask it of myself.

Wish me luck! I'll be sure to fill you in on all the tips and torture that I receive.

But really it's just reminding myself. This is my journal. You really do need to keep one when you're trying to lose weight like this. It helps alot!

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